A day in the life of a Manager with James McAlpine

A day in the life of a Manager with James McAlpine

We love getting to know our Managers! What makes their job interesting, what is unique about working for a healthcare agency, and all the skills that they need to make their job possible. 
Today we spent some time with James McAlpine, who let us in on the day-to-day life of his role as a Manager for the Community Team & Regions.
1) Who are you? 
Manager for the Community Team & Regions.
2) What do you do? 
Oversee a team of resourcers who promote nursing services into the private sector across England and Wales. The community team offer care to those living at home with complex health needs. We are launching our CQC Regulated Services which is exciting as it will lead us to support people long-term, not just as an emergency provider. 
3) Where do you work?
I am based in Devon, England. 
4) What is your speciality/focus? 
Primarily into the CQC registered provision of care and this is our focus now to get this in place and supporting adults with long-term health conditions. 
5) When did you join us? 
In March 2021.
6) Tell us something interesting about your job. 
Care is a very small sector, it’s random when you log-in to meetings and someone says “I know you” or “we’ve worked together before” which has already happened several times this month alone! 
7) Do you have a team? If yes, how many? 
10 soon to be 12.
8) What is unique about working for a healthcare agency? 
The randomness of the stories from staff and clients. Sometimes things happen that if you were in any other sector you would refuse to believe. 
9) What do you enjoy most about working for a healthcare agency? 
When you hear stories about staff who made a difference. Whether its’s during palliative care or paediatrics, the success stories always outweigh the negatives. 
10) What does it take for someone to work in your position? Are there any specific skills that you need? E.g. Work under pressure, good time management, etc.? 
Being able to see the wider picture and being able to see further down the road than most. For example, if you are planning a day out for someone with complex health needs, you have to plan not just the journey there and back but also for all eventualities they may encounter during the day.
11) Tell us something interesting about your day today. 
No two days are the same. With so many different personalities within the team and different packages of care out there you cannot predict one day to the next. 
12) What is next on your to-do list? 
Get to 10,000 hours across Nursing Homes and Community which we are 100% confident we can achieve.
Thank you, James, for sharing your work and life with us! It certainly seems fast-paced and exciting.
If you’d like to join us or find out more about what it’s like to work for us, get in touch here.