ICG Journeys: An interview with Kushagra Wadhwa

Interview with Kushagra Wadhwa

Here at ICG Medical, we are always looking to speak to top talent across the world to join our ever-growing family. Rather than us telling you all the great things there is to hear about working with us, we have asked some of our team to talk to you about a big move they have made with ICG Medical.
We speak to Kushagra, Sales Manager, who works for one of our brands in the US but is about to embark on a whole new adventure in Canada! 
Hi Kush! Thank you for sharing your experience with us today. We already know which team you work for, could you tell us a little more about how the opportunity came about for your move to Canada?
I was planning to move to Canada for some time and I shared the dream with Adrian (our CEO). I believe it took him seconds to say “ICG will send you there”. It is a lot of liability for a company to apply for an Intra-Company transfer, all I had to do was ask. Adrian was already planning to start a company in Canada, this move got me to be a part of the vision. I’ve seen a lot of people from our India Division move to other countries and they are all well settled there. I think when such support and trust is shown by companies towards their employees, the employees work like they own a stake in the company!
Amazing that this was all just from an honest conversation! How have ICG supported this move?
ICG went all in to support me in every step. Everything is being processed by our in-house attorney. Accommodation by the company, flights by the company and all fees paid. There is a lot of cost and documentation involved in the procedure, but I haven’t had to lift a finger. ICG is also assisting moving my wife and family with me though not immediately.
Sounds like a plan, especially when there is so much to get going over there and you are also establishing your new living arrangements. When do you plan to start in Canada?
I plan to start by end of this year (2021). I’ve heard Christmas time is beautiful there!
Beautiful…and cold! Are you excited/nervous? 
It is more of an anticipation feeling, very similar to trekking. I know I have our ICG family out there to show me around so I am not worried about fitting in. Also, watching Northern Lights has always been in my bucket list so I can check that off the list!
Well with that said, our final question, have you bought a big coat yet?
Lol, I am buying a Canada Goose Coat on the day I land in Toronto.
What a great interview, thank you Kush and good luck on the move, we cannot wait to see photos of your journey. We will leave you now to get on with your day!
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