Updating your CV/Resume

Updating your CV/Resume 

It is always good practice to have your CV/Resume kept up to date for those ‘just in case’ scenarios. It can sometimes be difficult to remember all your employment duties so a top tip would be to keep them updated whilst you are still working there. Another 5 tips are here for your review…

Top 5 tips for updating your CV/resume

If you are about to start searching for your new job, you will need to ensure your CV/Resume is ready to wow that interviewer. You’ve probably garnered a few new skills, accomplished new work experience, and even if you haven’t, it’s still worth double-checking to ensure you’ve got a final version to be proud of!

1. Create meaningful sections

Nobody wants to read about your entire life experience- It’s not relevant when it comes to applying for a job. Break down the most important information into sections and add anything that is relevant to the position(s) you’re applying for. Try go for sections like this:
  • Personal profile (including contact information)
  • Education & certifications
  • Work experience
  • Key duties/responsibilities that you’ve carried out in previous roles
  • Personal skills (Languages, software knowledge, soft skills)
  • Fields of expertise
  • Hobbies 
  • References

2. Make sure the most important information is at the top

This will be the first impression you make on a recruiter/interviewer, so you want them to get a good idea of your best qualities, skills, and experience. When you start adding your education and work experience, add the most recent at the top and work your way back (this is called “reverse chronological order”).

3. Use bullet points

A CV/Resume is always packed with information and a recruiter/interviewer starts getting applications as soon as they advertise a position online. What does this mean for you? They’re in a hurry and have a lot of people to review, so you need to make it easy to read. Do this by segmenting your information into concise bullet points under each section.

4. Add relevant information

Take a good hard look at each job description that you’re applying for- What information have they indicated is required? Do they want an introductory letter as well? Are they looking for specific skills that you’ve forgotten to include? Tailor your content to the job because no two jobs or companies are exactly alike. 

5. Make sure you’ve triple-checked everything

The last thing you want is to send off your application and then find a typo. It’s already gone off to the company and you have no way of taking it back. Before you send anything, activate the spell-check feature on the platform where you’re creating your CV/resume then upload the text to a free online software to check your grammar and ensure there are no spelling mistakes. The trifecta of triple-checking is getting someone else to read it as well.
All that a recruiter/company wants to see is whether you’re able to perform the duties that they need from you. Be honest about your skills and experience and add as much relevant information as possible. This document is your first impression, so you want to make it an accurate reflection of who you are and what you can do. Polishing up the details reflects your professionalism and will help to keep you confident when it’s time for the interview (we have tips for that, too!).
So, what are you waiting for? Get updating!